And then I sketched up some ideas for the General Lee with a Robo-Bow™ Since the Duke boys can't use firearms as part of their probation. When finished, this moon-shine powered hillbilly road rocket will tear outta it's secret base in Hazard County to protect the world from Dekx and his stupid Celebrity Car robots.

Namely Titanic. As Dekx said, Titanic is from Trapper John. MD. A cruddy "spin-off" of M*A*S*H* where they didn't even get the same actor to play Trapper. Aparently this hunk of shit is WAY mor recognizable than S&H's Gran Turino. But no one can find any pictures of Titanic on the InterWeb. Maybe when Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson make a movie version...

I did make him a pretty awesome robot. Too bad it turns into a crappy old RV. Thanks Dekx. Thanks a lot.
Is that a mini-frige on his back?
It is if Dekx wants it to be. Sigh.
I hate you guys so much...
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