I still have some of these to do, but haven't gotten around to it. Here's some friends all suited and booted for the zombie apocalypse.
Robot Loves Zombie is pretty much what you get when you combine two things that are already awesome and they form something more awesome than the sum of the awesome of the two awesome things as measured separately. In that regard, it is NOT unlike combining naked chicks and mullets.
Cocked, locked and ready to rock, mutha fuckas!
I want this on my wall!
That is my new desktop wallpaper at work.
I like the fact that I get to kick the Christ-loving crap out of zombies up close and personal.
And that I've apparently lost weight in the heat of battle after the zombiepocalypse. I don't want to sound like a chick or nothin', but that makes my heart all atwitter. AND my pants... well, we won't go into details, but rest assured, there's a reaction there too.
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